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Meadowbrook Dog Park

A fenced dog park entrance with signs displaying park rules and areas designated for small and large dogs.
A news release about replacing grass with decomposed granite at a dog park due to high traffic and maintenance concerns.


May contain: animal, canine, dog, mammal, pet, police dog, grass, and plant

Location: In Meadowbrook Park – 21750 Westwood Blvd, north of Red Apple Ave. in the east Golden Hills area.

The Dog Park consist of two grassy areas, one for large dogs and one for dogs under 30 pounds. Both areas have drinking fountains, open space for running and agility equipment to keep our furry friends entertained.

Open sunrise to sunset

The Tehachapi Valley Recreation And Park District is not responsible and shall have no liability for the acts or omissions of individuals or their animals. Individuals using the dog park enter at their own risk.


This park is not monitored by security. In case of emergency please call 911, Animal Control, and then, TVRPD at (661 822-3228)
Individuals using the dog park are subject to the rules and regulations of TVRPD.
Vicious animals will not be tolerated in the dog park. The TVRPD reserves the right to exclude any vicious animal as defined and outlined in its rules and regulation.
Each individual entering the dog park is limited to two animals per visit. All animals must be under the control of the respective handler at all times.
Animals entering the dog park must be in good health with all proper vaccinations.
Animals must be kept in a leash while entering and exiting the dog park, animals are not permitted to be off the leash outside the fenced dog park.
Individuals must immediately remove all respective animal waste and deposit the same in the designated receptacles.
Female animals in heat are strictly prohibited.
Animals under the age of four months are strictly prohibited.
Children under forty-eight inches tall are prohibited from entering the dog park. Children under the age of sixteen must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
Individuals using the dog park are prohibited from smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages or food while in the fenced dog park area.
Individuals are asked to be considerate of other individuals and animals while in the dog park and to respect the grounds and surroundings.


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