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Youth Basketball Playoffs/Championship Schedule 


Monday, March 104:15PM Nathan Hiner vs Shana Anderson 
 5:15PMDonna Crowley vs Paul Lindeman 
6:15PMJoshua Henandez vs Jeremiah Jackson
7:15PMDae Lantz vs Frances Madueno
8:15PM7/8 girls 1st and 4th place
 Tuesday, March 114:15PM3/4 boys winners of March 10 4:15pm and 5:15pm
5:15PM3/4 boys winners of March 10 6:15pm and 7:15pm
6:15PMBrent Darrington vs Nicolas Walker
7:15PMPaul Walker vs Corey Torres
8:15PM7/8 girls 2nd and 3rd place 
Wednesday, March 124:15PMVince Trevino vs Tom Liebengood
 5:15PM Chris Semays vs Marvin Amato
6:15PMMichael Bailey vs Justin Dock
7:15PMPaul Walker vs Bryan Brown
 Thursday, March 134:15PM5/6 boys Rudy Delgadillo and winner of 8th vs 9th place
5:15PM5/6 boys Israel Guerrero and winner of 7th vs 10th 
6:15PM3/4 girls Emily Valdez vs winner of March 11 at 6:15pm
7:15PM3/4 girls Nicole Brenes vs winner of March 11 at 7:15pm
Friday, March 144:15PM5/6 boys and winner of 4th vs 5th place and winner of Thursday 4:15 game
5:15PM5/6 boys and winner of 3rd and 6th place and winner of Thursday 5:15 game
 6:15PM 7/8 boys winners of March 10 6:30pm and 7:30pm
7:15PM7/8 place winners of March 12 6:30pm and 7:30pm



Monday, March 10 6:30pm7/8 boys 1st place vs 8th place
7:30pm7/8 boys 4th place vs 5th place
Tuesday, March 116:30PMSandra Castillo vs Philip Deck
 7:30PMDoug Summerhays vs Lacey Burkett
Wednesday, March 126:30pm7/8 boys 3rd place vs 6th place
7:30pm7/8 boys 2nd place vs 7th place
Thursday, March 136:30PM5/6 girls Mario Beltran of 4th vs 5th place
 7:30PM5/6 girls Jessica Smith of 3rd vs 6th place


Saturday, March 16

8AMGirls 7th/8th 
9:15AMBoys 5th/6th 
10:30AMBoys 7th/8th
11:45AMGirls 5th/6th
1PMGirls 3rd/4th 
 2:15PMBoys 3rd/4th
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